How to Bioblitz

April 29-May 2 is the City in Nature Challenge, a global citizen science event that invites people all over the world to explore their local environment using the app iNaturalist. In leadup to the event, Candlestick Point State Recreation Area will be hosting two virtual trainings on how to use iNaturalist, tips and tricks for […]

Creekside Story Walk @ the Oakland Zoo

Experience a Story Walk through the Arroyo Viejo Creek site at the Oakland Zoo. This natural area has a safe, cleared path that participants walk through at their own pace, surrounded by nature while progressing through a custom-made children’s book narrative. The plot of the tale moves further along as guests move deeper into the […]


大家好,歡迎你們來參加矽谷野生動物救護中心(簡稱WCSV)舉辦的教育講座。我們將會用國語介紹附近的各種野禽,和一些問題可能會影響它們的生存,一些簡單的方法我們在家可以幫忙它們。 我們還會介紹WCSV的職責-是一個中心負責照顧生病的, 受傷的或者是被遺棄的野生動物。歡迎大家提出任何問題有關於野禽或者是附近的野生動物。

After Dark: Dark Matter

How does our understanding of the origins of the universe continue to expand and evolve? What tools and theories continue to push our understanding into further realms? At After Dark: Dark Matter, we’ll hear from scientists and leaders whose work is at the forefront of cosmology and essential to forming and informing humans’ deepening grasp […]

Bird Scavenger Hunt

Join the San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory (SFBBO) for a Bird Scavenger Hunt! Anytime during the Bay Area Science Festival, from April 21 to 30, get outside and observe birds around you! Because observation is an important part of science, we’ll challenge you to find certain birds and observe their behavior. All you need to […]

Día de la Ciencia: Un Vistazo al Laboratorio/Day of Science A Look into the lab

Por tercer año consecutivo, el Consulado General de México en San Francisco se está asociando con el departamento de Sciences at Cal de la Universidad de California, Berkeley para organizar el “Día de la Ciencia”, un evento que le otorga a la comunidad hispanohablante la oportunidad de interactuar con científicos de diversas disciplinas y les […]